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Charity football tournament for The Hospice of Divine Mercy in Gliwice


On 4 and 5 February the common team of X-Rehab Gliwice Rehabilitation Center along with Technomex participated in the charitable tournament 'Playing for The Hospice.' We extend immense gratitude to the 'Marco Helps' Foundation, which in collaboration with the Marco Football Center and The Hospice of Divine Mercy in Gliwice, organized such a wonderful event.

Despite the sports competition and emotions, we all played for The Hospice of Divine Mercy in Gliwice. Every goal, every cry of joy, every drop of sweat, every injury, every emotion created an aura of victory in these days, with the support of the Hospice at its heart. Helping others is an important part of our daily journey, and thus, with great pleasure, we contributed our support to the Hospice, which daily cares for the most seriously ill people with immense dedication and devotion.